How to Make Mirto


How to Make MirtoOur tree collection is always expanding and one welcome new addition has been the stunning, ornamental Myrtle Tree. With its glossy, aromatic leaves and white spring blossoms, we adore this little evergreen tree. While we are already planning a touch of topiary (tiny scissors at the ready!), our other Myrtle obsession has to be making Mirto.  


If you’ve travelled to Sardinia and sipped on a delicious herbal liqueur, it’s very likely you have been indulging in Mirto, the traditional tipple, native to the island and sampled at every possible occasion. Myrtle has grown freely in there Mediterranean since ancient times and was treasured by goddesses as a symbol of harmony and joy. Making and consuming the sweet Mirto has been a local tradition for centuries. We were delighted to discover that this delicious digestivo is made from the spicy-sweet berries of our very own Myrtle tree. New team goals - making Mirto!





To make your own batch of delicious Mirto, gather your Myrtle berries in autumn when they are perfectly ripe and fill large, spotless jam jars almost full with the fruit. Cover in the spirit of your choice, (vodka or another grain spirit is ideal) and then let the mixture soak for at least 5-7 weeks. Strain the mixture and sweeten with either honey or syrup. Store your jars of Mirto for a month, then filter to remove any solid residue before bottling.

Enjoy your home-made, after-dinner liqueur - all from your own beautiful Myrtle tree. 

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